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    Meth Use and Brain Abnormalities

    Meth Use and Brain Abnormalities

    Brain scans of people that have used meth show that their use of the stimulant drug damages brain cells. The damage to brain cells can continue for months even after the individual stops using methamphetamines. Studies have been done that shows meth exposed children have similar brain structure to those who were exposed to alcohol. The study also shows that possibly children exposed to meth are more affected than alcohol exposed children.

    The affected brain structures from alcohol and meth exposed children are either smaller or larger than normal. Meth use during pregnancy is so serious that drug abuse treatment can't be stressed enough.

    One of the areas of the brain that was reduced due to meth and alcohol exposure was the caudate nucleus. This is serious because the caudate nucleus is associated with the child's learning ability, memory, motivation, and controlling motor function.

    According to the information gathered from National Surveys on drug use and health, the number of people that were 12 years of age and older and used meth is more than 16 million. Around 19,000 of them were pregnant women. Half of these pregnant women said they used meth while they were pregnant but they also used alcohol. This makes it much harder to isolate meth effects on the baby's brain while it's developing.

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