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24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Questions & Answers about Meth Addiction and Recovery

  • May

    Teeth Problems

    How long does it take for meth to damage your teeth? What does it do to your teeth?

    Meth decreases the amount of saliva that naturally forms in your mouth, when this happens it speeds up tooth decay and gum infections. There are so many toxic chemicals in meth like lithium battery acid and anhydrous ammonia, when toxic meth ingredients are combined together, this stuff corrodes your teeth.

    As far as how soon tooth decay begins to develop that just depends on the user. Most frequent meth users don't eat or sleep right, they lose weight, when they do eat it's usually junk, they stop taking care of themselves as far as hygiene is concerned which includes tooth brushing and flossing, consume sweetened drinks and sometimes acidic drinks and foods. Other factors include how chronic or frequent meth use is and how healthy a person's teeth were to begin with.

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