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24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Letters from Crystal Meth Users

  • Jan

    Still Tweaking

    Hey ya mate. Just read your site. I think you're doing the right thing, by trying to educate kids to stay off of things that will damage their bodies, some of which may still be developing, thus causing horrible permanent damage. Some of the stereo-types about "tweakers" in the before mentioned information, I believe is unwarranted. It's 6:33 am here in Texas at the moment. This is my third day up so far, I'm "tweaking" right now. And I believe that, though I may not speak for everyone who does Tweak, I can speak for the majority of the tweakers I know. And I am a stable productive person, albeit my perception is a tad off, but none-the-less I am not any more prone to criminal mischief, than the next man. But all in all excellent sight, excellent message, and god bless.

    PS: Cocaine and Meth highs are similar but Meth gives me a body high whereas Coke makes my mild alert (until you stop doing it or it ceases to benefit you) Not trying to contradict you, but that's what it does for me. Well good luck mate.


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