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24 Hour Crystal Meth Helpline 1-800-853-1387Who Answers?


Letters From Family & Friends of Meth Addicts

  • Mar

    My Mom's Addicted To Meth

    You don't know what you are doing, and you don't know who you are hurting. I am seventeen and my mother is addicted to meth. I love her more than anyone in this world, but I can't even live with her. See, my dad died when I was three and my mom met someone new, who everyone thought was great, well turns out he wasn't. He molested me and my sister until I was in seventh grade, just a few years ago. When I was fifteen, my sister told. My mom didn't believe us, or so I thought.

    I found out that she was addicted to meth and that the addiction was so strong that it messed up her mind. I know she believes us, but her only way to get drugs is through her boyfriend, so she chose him. Now, here I am, trying my best to do my best wondering everyday if she'll ever stop, but she can't she has done it for 15 years. I get so worried and so mad when I think about it. She could die soon. Will she be at my wedding? Will she see her grandchildren? I have already lost my dad. Not to drugs but to a serious kidney problem. I can't lose my mom. I love her more than anything. To everyone that knows what I am going through. I'm sorry because you must be too. Be good to yourself, and love whoever is using, they need that most of all. Thank you and good luck to everyone. I'm praying for everyone that has written on this site.

    God Bless Candace

1 Response to My Mom's Addicted To Meth

  • Nichole

    December 18th, 2012

    I also have a mother addicted to meth. She is sitting in jail because of her stupid choices. She will be in there for 1 year, it could possibly turn into 10 years if she gets out and commits again. My mom has been an addict for about 15 years now. I don't know this woman anymore; the drugs have messed up our relationship. With Christmas a week away it's hard to get together with family because of what she caused. I want her to get treatment while in jail, but she's going to want to want it. She's been in there for 2 weeks now and her mentality is still....I didn't do it. It's a bogus charge she still singing. I hope it's not too late for this 54 year old mother.

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