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Methamphetamine Abuse Poems

  • Jan

    Until Death Do Us Part

    You met me several years ago,
    I made you smile and laugh.
    Introduced by a good friend of yours,
    Who is now a part of your past.
    You swore and vowed you would never be mine,
    You promised it would never last.
    You told yourself, I could not steal your heart,
    But time will prove,
    Til Death Do Us Part!
    I've stolen from you all that you love,
    Your parents, your spouse and your child.
    But still you stand here by my side.
    Without question or denial.
    You believed I would bring you happiness,
    That you were unable to find.
    Good times, good friends and passionate love.
    Instead I messed with your mind.
    I promised to bring you the tools you lacked
    For fulfillment, success and self-worth.
    Instead I succeeded in making you,
    Tired, alone and hurt.
    (Spun, spent and burnt)
    While taking stock of all you have lost,
    You refuse to see I have lied.
    Instead once more you turn to me,
    Desiring my erotic tide.
    I ease myself inside of you,
    Like a groom enters his bride.
    After all of the time we have shared together,
    The many years we have had
    You have never called me by my name
    Alas, this makes me sad.
    You have been such a grand companion
    You've never let me down.
    Now it is time for you die
    My love, please do not frown!
    You can leave this earth peaceful in knowing
    For many you have set an example,
    Also know that because of this
    You have left for me the choice of victims
    So ample!
    Before I steal your last breath away
    And snuff out your shining light
    I have a few words that you must hear
    And I say them with great delight!
    My name is Addiction, Methamphetamine.
    The monster you were unable to fight.
    How quickly the time is drawing near
    For you to end and I to take flight
    One more thing I must say to you,
    To say my name is quite mild,
    When compared to this next bit of news,
    My next victim is your child!
    Really my dear you've no need to cry,
    You have known this deep in your heart.
    At least this time I did not lie
    For not - Until Death Do Us Part!

    D Jordan, Oroville, CA

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